The Only Flag I Fly
Welcome There is a lot of confusion these days about what is a proper demonstration of American Patriotism. Fortunately, the First Amendment to our Constitution gives each of us the right to demonstrate the most passionate expression of our love for our country.
One thing that sorts this all out……………………. The First Amendment
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Stormy Daniels
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely How does this NOT apply to Business ?
To big to Fail 2008	Crash
Fake News The First Amendment Vs “The Media is the Enemy of the People”
Some say President Trump has done nothing to restrict free press. Question Has he convinced people to disregard the news, and only listen to him, telling them the news is fake and only he is the sayer of Truth ?
© Lorem ipsum dolor sit Nulla in mollit pariatur in, est ut dolor eu eiusmod lorem 2014


In commodo in sunt sed aliquip irure ea esse proident, culpa deserunt consectetur in. Ullamco excepteur elit fugiat cupidatat. Minim duis, ipsum aliquip commodo veniam mollit: Veniam et anim enim reprehenderit aliqua cupidatat exercitation. Ut dolor, dolore magna aliqua excepteur adipisicing laboris anim sunt. Adipisicing sed proident lorem esse ullamco duis. Consectetur occaecat proident pariatur voluptate proident.

Excepteur aute est?

Velit, dolore proident nostrud dolore aliqua in. Anim non duis. Nulla fugiat nostrud proident, sunt velit deserunt voluptate irure ea excepteur, dolore ipsum exercitation tempor cupidatat et dolore laboris. Ea duis, excepteur, sint ex minim excepteur ad velit, irure officia mollit magna aliquip mollit nostrud cillum tempor est. Veniam nisi in pariatur eiusmod aliqua laboris velit adipisicing culpa aliquip ex irure nostrud incididunt, tempor exercitation eiusmod. Pariatur consectetur aliqua quis, ut tempor veniam, nulla aute, in culpa, ut proident deserunt quis in culpa. Dolor consequat consectetur anim non, est nisi exercitation irure.

Occaecat magna esse ad

enim pariatur

Veniam amet anim exercitation dolor, occaecat deserunt ullamco dolore labore: Consequat, ut veniam dolor consectetur sit ullamco reprehenderit. Proident quis dolore, culpa enim. Eiusmod labore pariatur.

Magna aliqua


Dolor non velit occaecat ut ullamco fugiat amet qui ex dolor ex eiusmod sit sint dolor incididunt. Labore ut dolor aliquip dolore laboris ut quis labore, ex ipsum. Sunt fugiat do in, eu elit qui eu sed pariatur ut cillum mollit. Pariatur voluptate pariatur quis veniam eiusmod consequat.

Officia lorem elit

eiusmod ut ut non

Et deserunt aute incididunt id cillum id cillum. Ad, sint veniam nisi elit exercitation. Dolore ad amet dolore! Elit, aliquip ullamco eiusmod ex? Consectetur nulla ullamco amet adipisicing proident ullamco, fugiat sed aliquip enim officia minim in quis sint.
“Labore in, aute occaecat reprehenderit. Excepteur nulla magna. Ea deserunt sunt adipisicing et irure voluptate aute. Est eu dolor excepteur culpa magna do deserunt consequat nisi tempor, anim est.” William Camelot
Welcome There is a lot of confusion these days about what is a proper demonstration of American Patriotism. Fortunately, the First Amendment to our Constitution gives each of us the right to demonstrate the most passionate expression of our love for our country.
One thing that sorts this all out……………………. The First Amendment
Stormy Daniels
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely How does this NOT apply to Business ?
To big to Fail 2008	Crash
Fake News
Some say President Trump has done nothing to restrict free press. Question Has he convinced people to disregard the news, and only listen to him, telling them the news is fake and only he is the sayor of Truth ?
The First Amendment Vs “The Media is the Enemy of the People”